Some time ago, business were missing the components needed to run their business – if they wanted to use Open Source software. That is no longer the case, with SugarCRM, Zimbra, and SequoiaERP.
Accounting (general ledger style stuff, and mroe) is possibly the last big challenges; some partically solutions are out there and SequoiaERP is currently working on it too.
So all is well, right? Hmm…
If we look at the proprietary solutions, we see not just groups of applications, but integrated suites from a single vendor. In fact, many of these suites are actually more like platforms for which third parties can develop extensions.
Contrarily, the above is highly functional and great on their own but what I think might be missing is the integration. A business may care about this, because they are unlikely to want to maintain their customer database in both their CRM and their billing system. From their perspective, that just doesn’t make sense!
So, should the abovementioned vendors aim to implement an entire suite? Well, perhaps some will, but that may not be the optimal solution. What I would like to suggest instead is some kind of common ground for the core information that the apps should share (such as basic customer detals).
A simplistic implementation example would be a database with a few tables that contain this information, that the other apps can then “share” and join against from their own additional tables. I do appreciate that an effective solution may be slightly more elaborate and would amount to some kind of API.
So, I guess that this is a kind of challenge to those people and companies working on these applications – will you go and try to resolve this?