Patryk closes down Linux Jewellery store

About five years ago a Polish Australian, Patryk Zadarnowski, set up a Linux Jewellery store online. As speaker at AUUG conferences, I was lucky enough to receive a little black nickle tux, and a “tux inside” keyring… excellent.

Patryk started it all as a weekend project (together with an artist friend) but he soon found the demand was so high that it turned into a full blown business. It’s had tens of thousands of customers over the years, from around the world.

Now Patryk wants to focus on his post-graduate studies, and so the store is being closed down. For the very last time, the remaining items of stock (and the domain names) are being sold via

It’s a great pity as it was a great initiative… a few years ago, Patryk and I discussed the possibility of also creating some MySQL-related jewellery. Unfortunately, his artist friend was ill for quite a while and so it was not possible to create new designs…

Anyway, thanks Patryk for your excellent work!