Danish Happiness

This article “Denmark is the Happiest Country” (Huffington Post, Oct 2013) is from a while ago, but quite worthwhile particularly in the current federal political context in Australia.

Relevant aspects are personal welfare as well as the overall social and political climate, and economic prosperity. It’s a pretty complete package.

The article notes that people feeling well cared for is a key factor, and that’s obviously not about seeing more police on the streets or politicians making scary announcements about terrorism. It’s also about caring for those around us. That’s a local social aspect, as well as an international issue (how to respond to a refugee crisis).

Other matters of importance are equality (in every respect), education, healthcare.

Worth a read. Of course, those who most need to learn these things are the people who don’t think there’s anything wrong with what they’re currently doing. But still.

Full Roof Cover Combining PV Solar and Heat | RenewEconomy.com

Dutch Court orders Netherlands Government cut CO2 emissions by 25 percent by 2020 | Climate Citizen


A Dutch court in a landmark legal case has just handed down a verdict that the Netherlands Government has the legal duty to take measures against #climate change. Further, the court ordered that a 25% reduction of CO2 emissions, based on 1990 levels, must be accomplished by 2020 by the Dutch government in accordance with IPCC scientific recommendations for industrial countries.


Sue Higginson, Principal Solicitor for the Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) NSW, said that the same legal arguments are unlikely to be used in Australia, “Dutch civil laws are much more specific in their terms than Australian laws.” she said.


With Australia, such a case would be much less straightforward as we do not have the incorporation of international human rights or general duty of care directly in our constitution or legal framework.

On Removal of Citizenship – Short Cuts | London Review of Books

2015 Arctic Sea Ice Maximum Annual Extent Is Lowest On Record | NASA