Why the mining companies don’t actually pay the tax | ABC

Trade Matters 2012 – AU DFAT

This infographic (on 2012 foreign trade) looks fairly problematic to me. We export mainly raw materials, and import oil and processed materials. That’s costly and inefficient: inevitable we’ll always lose on that balance.

Images for Australia and QLD copied as DFAT doesn’t use URLs that will persist when the next edition comes out…



Snake in the Garden

carpet-python-2013-05-06I noticed birds making a lot of noise outside (no cats about). That usually means a snake either in a tree or on the ground, and so it was this time.

I managed to take a picture before it moved on. It seemed to be about 2m long, probably a carpet python (Morelia Spilota). Beautiful!

Ethiopian kids hack OLPCs in 5 months with zero instruction

What Most Schools Don’t Teach

Via my good friend and fellow traveller Jaap van Till… every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn to code. Software is now in nearly everything around us, and many are needed to define and create it.

Even if you don’t (want to) create code yourself, a better understanding will help you get to what you want and need to do.