Thomas Suarez is a 6th grade student at a middle school in the South Bay. Tom been fascinated by computers and technology since before kindergarten.
Author Archives: Arjen Lentz
Cancer spreads to last Tasmanian devil refuge
Cancer spreads to last Tasmanian devil refuge
Queen Bohemian Rhapsody played on old computer gear
Still a Fracking / Coal Seam Gas proponent?
News is spreading that the United States Geological Survey has released a report that links a series of earthquakes in Oklahoma last January to a fracking operation underway there.
See also Fracking Caused Earthquakes in England about similar events near Blackpool.
Identifont – Identify fonts by appearance, find fonts by name
What an awesomely usefull tool! “Identify fonts by appearance, find fonts by name, find picture or symbol fonts, find fonts by designer or publisher.”