If you’re in Australia, at least… see PetrolMonkey.
Very cool. Simple yet functional and useful.
You can register your car there, and by entering how much you filled up with at each petrol station visit, and your odometer reading, the system works out how what your petrol consumption is like. Not rocket science, but handy nevertheless – I’ve been tracking my fuel purchases for a while but hadn’t yet got round to setting up a spreadsheet to do the math – so now I don’t have to! If I had though, the site would have also catered for that as it allows importing of some historical data. Handy.
Now for the extra… since it’s online, it also allows you to compare with other cars of the same year/make. Again, not perfect as there’s many variables, but still… once you track this stuff, you probably become more fuel-use aware also, which is good as well. Plus there may be some peer-pressure effects. Who knows how these things develop, usually in directions that noone envisaged.
Anyway, I think the site shows what can be done these days with Agile development and appropriate web technologies. Something very functional in a short time, simply fit for its intended purpose. The PetrolMonkey site was built by Refactor which is based on the Queensland Gold Coast.