There Is Such a Thing as a Free Lunch!
I’m sitting in the AirNZ lounge at Sydney International airport, and just had a very nice lunch. Also wireless Internet. My StarAlliance Gold is valid until April this year (I did way too much travel in 2006 ;-) so I might as well reap all the freebie benefits. On the downside, I completely forgot to use some points to get an upgrade, though I might still be able to do that for the return flight.

Of course I had to empty (that is, drink) the water in my water bottle before going through the security screening. Easily solved by refilling later. Here in the lounge there’s nice cool filtered water. However, next to it is also an impressive array of free serious alcohol. Quite tempting ;-), but too much alcohol just messes with the jetlag later and I do want enough water for the flight….

My iPod nano crashed earlier, but Google came to the rescue. Make sure hold switch is off, then press Menu and middle button for about 10 secs to reboot. No prob. I’d prefer it to not crash though, it’s running the latest firmware.