OpenSolaris on an Eee PC?

No, I didn’t do it, honestly! ;-)
I just got an email from Sun (Open Query being a Partner and all) to participate in a survey, and this is the incentive prize. It’s kinda funny, but also a bit indulgent. I really don’t think that’s where OpenSolaris shines, so why even go there… just to prove that it’ll run in a tiny environment? Who cares? I mean, you’d usually run it on a nice 64bit multi-core machine with plenty of RAM and storage, right? Just like any other new server…

I don’t get it… perhaps someone else will offer a more plausible suggestion, but so far I’m guessing indulgence ;-)

4 thoughts on “OpenSolaris on an Eee PC?

  1. Most people who wipe the EEE PC replace it with Ubuntu.

    So, yeah, it’s to prove that it can be done. Imagine the marketing: “No matter what size platform you run, use OpenSolaris! From EEE PC to megamulticoreXblade….”

  2. Yes I get that, but what’s the point?
    It’s not proving anything sensibly. The ability to run OpenSol on an Eee has nothing to do with running it on serious servers, it’s a distraction.

  3. Nah, never ;-)

    This one was just freaky enough for me to write about. I’d have done the same if had been from a vendor other than Sun, in case you’re wondering about that.

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